GPC goes Europe next month!

New York pub crawls: Because your regular drinking dens are like following the spin-dry cycle

GPC goes Europe next month!

We are headed to Munich next month, for what many beer drinkers consider their Mecca – Oktoberfest! This year the event is September 16 – October 3. We didn’t put together a public package for this but if there’s enough interest this year and through out, we could put something together for next year – Mark your calendars for 2007: September 22 – October 7.

Welcome to Oktoberfest

In addition to Oktoberfest, we’re also taking a tour of eastern Europe, specifically Prague. Prague is one of my favorites when I was there in 2000. This time around the beer’s probably gone up from the 50 cents a tall boy we purchased last time. Bars and Pubs in Praha.

For those that would like to attend, email us, as we are leaving Sept 20th through October 1st.