Virtual Beer Pong Controversy? or Green Gaming?

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Virtual Beer Pong Controversy? or Green Gaming?

HARTFORD, Conn. — Connecticut’s attorney general isn’t happy that a video game called “Frat Party Games: Beer Pong” was rated suitable for children as young as 13.

The video game is based on a popular college drinking game where competitors toss a pingpong ball into the opposing player’s cup. If the ball lands in the cup, the opposing player typically has to guzzle beer.

“Despite being premised on a drinking game, the game’s content involves essentially nothing more than tossing pingpong balls into plastic cups,” she wrote. “We are thus unsure of the basis for the statement in your letter suggesting that this content ‘glorifies alcohol abuse and binge drinking.”‘

Vance said three “specially trained, adult raters” with no ties to the industry reviewed the game and recommended the “T” rating for people 13 years old and older.