Games when you Drink?

New York pub crawls: Because your regular drinking dens are like following the spin-dry cycle

Games when you Drink?

Sure! because drinking and laughing at intoxicated rookies is just not fun enough. Well drinking games are usually followed up with testing your chiefing skills when the losers pass out… Now I’m not advocating binge drinking on anyone – know your limits – but if you just can’t get a party started, go with a deck of cards, quarters, shot glasses, or a B-rated movie and get to tippin!

I start the list off with one of the most memorable – Asshole. We’ll continue to post in the Drinking Games list but feel free to add your favorites to the comments…

Asshole – Its complex, needs at least 4 people, a deck of cards (if more than 7 use 2 decks of cards) and plenty of your liquid pleasure…

  • The first hand is to establish a hierarchy, as in a corporate executive structure, where the top player is the President, then in succesive order: Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, (any other lower classes based on the number of players you have), and Asshole is the last place player.
  • The hierarchy of cards : 2’s are the wild card and clear the entire hand. From then it’s as you would expect A down to the 3, however, two pair, three pair and four pair are higher than the latter
  • Deal 7 cards to each player and select an arbitrary way for the hand to start – keep in mind the point of the game, besides the drinking and humiliation, is to be the first without cards
  • The first player starts by playing a card, the next player in rotation has the option to play a higher card or pass on the turn – if a 8 is lead, the next player must play a single card the same ore HIGHER than an 8, the next player has to play and equal or higher card than the previous player and so on. I typically play that a pair beats a single card, and a three of a kind beats a pair (so on). This can speed up play and some people tend to only allow pairs to be played when a new hand starts. A new hand starts when all players pass, or when someone plays a 2 (the top card which clears the round). The last person to play a card, controls the next hand.
  • Last Card – When a player reaches his or her last card, he must immediately yell “last card.” If they do not do that, or if someone else yells it before them, then that player is automatically the asshole for the next round. If the player puts down the card and neither that player nor any other player calls him or her on last card he or she is in the clear, the player must be called out before the card is put down. If a player has two of the same cards as the final hand (ie 8 of hearts and 8 of diamonds), they do not need to call last card since he or she has two cards.
  • This rotates around until all the players are out of cards in their hand. The first player out becomes President. The second becomes VP, third – Treasurer, etc. until the last person left becomes the Asshole.
  • It’s best to rearrange seats when the hierachy is set so that the order is clockwise for the next round.

President – The Pres is the top dog. What he says goes. The president dictates the rules for the game and never drinks on command.
VP – 2nd in the round and only has power over those below him
Rest of the heirarchy has similar succession of power
Asshole – He/She just has to take it. The Asshole has no power and will take the most heat. The Asshole also will now do all the shuffeling, dealing, clearing and filling of all the players beverages.

Some suggested variations, rules and dictation of play (keep in mind be creative, there’s no limit to rules or varriation of play):

  • The Social – Socializing is the act of quickly playing cards out of turn in order to create a four-of-a-kind on the table. The opportunity to social is lost if the next player plays higher cards before the opportunity to socialize out-of-order is taken. Here is an example: You have two 6s, and the last two people to play each put a single 6 on the table. You may then play out of turn and lay down your two 6s, yelling “SOCIAL!”. If the next player played an eight before you had the chance to “socialize” with your two 6s, you wouldn’t be allowed to social. Twos, jokers, or whatever you are using for special cards cannot be socialed. In some variants, the player laying down the social cards out-of-turn does so simply to get rid of extra cards: it doesn’t change the last normal hand that was laid down on the table, and it doesn’t change which player has the next turn. In other versions of the game, socializing like this ends the round, and the player who socialed is allowed to start the next round.
  • “Black Bitch” – The Queen of Spades is the highest card in this variant, capable of defeating any other card or combination of cards (ie the one Queen of Spades will defeat even four twos).
  • Thumb Master: When the President puts his thumb on the table, the last one to do so must drink.
  • Drinking ritual: An action or statement must be performed every time a person drinks (such as a salutation to the President), or that person must drink again.
  • The 3 D’s: If the words “drink”, “drank”, or “drunk” are used, the user must take a drink.
  • Eye contact: It is illegal to make eye contact with the President when this rule is in effect.
  • Beer Bitch: Assign one person the job of supplying the table with cold beverages – usually this is the asshole but the president can change that
  • Henchman: The President can assign the Vice-President (for instance) the job of enforcing game rules (useful when intoxicated players become forgetful), and grant him the ability to punish offenders by ordering them to drink.
  • The forehead rule: Whenever the President drinks, everyone must put their forehead on the table; the last one to do so must also drink (try to avoid concussions and bloody noses in later rounds).
  • Table laps: At any time, someone with a higher rank can make a lower ranking person get up and walk a complete lap of the table.
  • Last Man Standing: Often players will leave the table between hands, while the Asshole is shuffling and dealing. This rule punishes the last player to return to the table with a certain number of drinks.
  • No Names: If a proper name is spoken, the speaker must drink.
  • No Cursing: If a player curses, the player must drink.
  • Double Socials: Each social counts twice.

Presidents are advised to be creative when thinking up rules. Although Presidents can be (and often are) tyrannical, a good President will make rules that are fun for all. Unpopular rules will not only be rescinded by future Presidents, but they may invite reprisals after a President “leaves office.”