Oktoberfest 07!

New York pub crawls: Because your regular drinking dens are like following the spin-dry cycle

Oktoberfest 07!

Ahh that time again! No trip planned this time but feel free to let us know how it goes for you all!

Sept. 22nd through Oct. 10th

Not certain how this is so news worthy, but apparently this chick was “banned” from attending this years Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Apparently, the locals felt that her presence at last years beer bash “cheapened” the event.

Yeah… well I guess I can’t figure out how they came to this conclusion.

Munich locals complained that their annual bender was “selling out” by having celebs shill during the big swill. But probably the key reason for banning Paris was that last year she was pimping her own brand of canned wine. For Bavarian beer snobs, canned beer is blasphemy, canned wine an abomination.

Too be fair, all celebrity promotions “are completely prohibited by the new festival rules”; however, this new rule is attributed to her appearance last year.